News for Now

News for Now
Obama Campaigning in Davenport, Iowa in 2007

28 April 2007

Another View of the Action

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DJ & Stockton at it again


Stockton Fights Back

Stockton Fights Back against DJ
100_0832, originally uploaded by dirkthebigdog.


DJ's Bowl

DJ and Bowl
DJ's Bowl, originally uploaded by dirkthebigdog.

DJ waiting to be fed once again!


19 April 2007

Bad WiFi

Well, it's not Blogger that's stopping me from adding images to my posts. I'm at work using the WiFi provided by the City of Rock Island to access the Internet and it's too inconsistent. The signal keeps dropping out and the images are getting lost in the process or the server times me out because the lapse is too long.

I'll have to try from home—when and IF I remember!! Not only am I pretty busy, but I have "old-timers" disease too!

Some Activities 2006-2007

I've been busy—evidently too busy to make any additions to this foray into the blogosphere. But since I have to blog for one of my classes, I thought I'd try to add to my existing spaces.

For a quick list of what's kept me busy and involved, here's a few pics:

Bruce Braley & Barack Obama

Bruce Braley and Barack Obama waiting to take the podium at the Braley for Congress Rally in Davenport, Iowa, September 2006.

John Edwards
John Edwards surrounded by the press at the Scott County Democrats Red, White, and Blue Banquet, Davenport, Iowa, February 2007

Joe Biden

Joe Biden on stage at the Scott County Democrats Banquet

I tried to add more photos, but the program failed, so I'll make another post.